Friday, 30 May 2014

Life Update

hrmm..has been a while i don't update about my life in my blog. As usual, been busy as a wife and mother. Difficult to find an ample time to write even a short story here. Ok..let's me update what is going to happen and what are the things had happened recently.

Wedding Ceremony!

Achik Mamat Nikah and Reception day..Well now Rashid's family are being busy doing all sort of wedding preparation for achik mamat Nikah and reception day which is just around the corner...That will be next week! OMG..Mama so excited..So for the ceremony, i have sponsor some door gift and the hantaran. Ok lah tu kan..they was cost me a lot jugak..but actually would like to sponsor more but, is enough la..wasatiah=moderate is the best kan? Tak baik membazir. Our sister in law name is Ainun..not sure the full name..erkk..yalah coz all this while we all just called her as achik.. So, hope they will live happily ever after..

So for nikah day, me and other siblings decided to wear an even color of outfit.For the nikah we decided to wear black jubah and blue tudung and for the reception day we will wear emerald green and red tudung..I also make jubah for hannah..hihihi..she being so excited and keeping on trying her jubah dress..every day.


A little update about Hasya..yesterday the daddy decided to bring us to the Jitra Mall..We planned to buy a toy for Hannah as she had asking for that so long time already.
When Hannah and daddy stop by at one of the store to buy a cup of corn, i decided to enter at one of the women shoe store nearby.Guess what was happen? so shock that she has the intention to try one of the heel on rack. A peep toe heel?? Ok find same taste with your mom..What happen after that? She cried like hell coz i took her out to from the store.

And now, i am on a diet programed by myself..HAhahahahahh..sound so funny..but i'am taking serious about to taking care of my food for a better healthier life. So lately i ate more vegetables and fruits..drink more water..less rice and fat.Hope i can maintain this  momentum because i want to slim down my size..i look funny and, change my life style a bit, try to cope with exercise regularly and so on.  

Prepared by me: Grill chicken with salad..Soo yummy.!

Model for endorse my motivation 

cycling with my kids around the taman..

 OK laa..times out now..

Thanks for reading this entry..
For my kids, Love u always and forever.. Muahhhhsss!

Your Mom.

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